Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Rainy Day

After a wet spring, we have had a hot and mostly dry summer. The occasional "pop-up" showers have given random amounts of rain, but it's been so hot that they often don't help much. Today we are having a real, rainy day. The rain started this morning early. Since hubby had an early meeting today that would last through lunch, he thoughtfully left me in bed. There is something about a rainy day that just makes me want to "cocoon" and do nothing. I gave myself a stern lecture during breakfast to get me going to the gym for my morning workout. I need to work on my lecture technique. It didn't work on me any better than it did on the kids. Before I knew it I was curled up on the couch, deep in a good book.

I don't know what it is about a quiet house with rain gently hitting the roof that makes me feel that tomorrow won't come. I just feel like I am in a vacuum and that the moment will go on forever. No rush, just turn the pages (or in my lazy case just hit the button on my Kindle). Why is it that the much needed quiet time to do work on a report due at an August board meeting, a stack of last week's ironing, way overdue housework, thank you notes to thoughtful friends after my mother-in-law's funeral,just seems to drift away. I know I need to work but I just keep putting everything off.

Whatever the reason, today is a perfect rainy day. I'll hurry like crazy tomorrow but for today, I'm living like I have nothing but time. In this wild, rushed world where every minute is a deadline, that's a pretty wonderful feeling. Got to go, it's time to turn a page.

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