Sunday, September 5, 2010

Triple Trouble

Sorry I have been missing for a few days. My son is in the middle of cutting his first crop of tobacco. His wife is gone to Oklahoma for a previously scheduled visit to some friends, which left him in the midst of a nervous breakdown and three kids. So of course, Grandma is glad to help out for a few days. Which is a good thing considering that he is so strung out over the problems of finding good help, weather, housing in a poorly arranged barn and general "harvest hysteria". I won't say he is totally crazed, but he did drop off the two year old and four year old with three diapers and one change of clothes, for four days! Thank goodness for automatic washers and a stash of odd clothing that I keep on hand.

Having three boys, aged 2, 4, and 13 in the house has brought back lots of memories. Some of them good. Actually, I now realize that the gradual weight gain of age has nothing to do with the slowing of metabolism. All those reports are obvious fabrications. When you are trying to get everyone fed, you spend so much time jumping that you don't get to eat. If one isn't out of milk the other has just turned his over. Then there is the fact that you don't have much time to sit down. You are either rescuing the cat, settling fights, opening doors or closing open doors, or just picking up the general flotsam and jetsam of kids. Putting the little ones down for a nap becomes a challenge to not crawl in bed with them.

All in all it has been a joyful few days. It's fun once again to have the laughter of children echoing through the house. The two year old has discovered that the collie will sit for treats. So he has about worn the poor dog out "sitting". The four year old has discovered the delight of being able to go outside with freedom. When your yard is a couple of acres and just blends into the surrounding hay field, you don't worry too much about passing motorists. I can watch them from the windows and listen for their cheerful shouts to keep up with their activities. The little battery operated Ranger has made dozens of trips between the house and the barn. The four year old has become an accomplished driver, completing perfect three point turns to reverse his trip. I know some teens who can't do that.

The thirteen year old has had a vacation. He's usually in charge of the younger ones, but this time he gets to do his own thing. He has spent a lot of time on the computer (with grandma in the room, checking), playing games on his new ipod, or watching movies. Usual kid stuff. He also has been left in charge of helping out with the home chores of watering the calves in the barn and seeing that they are fed.

It's wild, but I've found that I'm actually getting more done with more to do! I think I have become lazy with too much time to get things finished. Yesterday by noon I had cooked two meals, washed and dried two loads of clothes, swept and mopped. Some weeks I don't get that much done.

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