Saturday, July 9, 2011

Into the Wild Blue Yonder

I am living proof that you are never too old to enjoy something new and different.

 I have a grandson that is just besotted with airplanes.  He has dragged me to various big and small air museums where he demonstrates an impressive knowledge of all types of planes, their range, armament, speed, size, and uses.  When he decides he likes something, he learns all he can about it.  Last summer we toured the Air Museum at the Chanute Air Base just outside of Champaign, Illinois.  Chanute is one of the bases that has been closed and they no longer train pilots and mechanics as they once did.  However, they have turned the hangers and training area into a wonderful tribute to the men who were trained there from soon after the armed forces started flying missions.One of their claims to fame is that it was at this base that the all black support crew for the famed Tuskegee Airmen were trained. Included in this tour is a hanger full of planes.  If the military flew it, they have one there.  If you have a chance it is certainly worth a stop, especially if you have a boy that likes planes.

While we were there, my grandson was pulling me thorough the planes describing each one and what it did.  He was busy shouting out this name and that while he ecstatically viewed them all.  Another gentleman was wandering through the planes at the same time.  From his bearing and interest, I suspected he was a retired pilot taking a trip down memory lane.  He approached my grandson and stuck out his hand, as he shook it he said, "Son, I am impressed by your knowledge and understanding of these planes.  Do you want to be a pilot?'  My grandson looked at him blankly for a moment, then replied, "No, I just like planes."  The pilot looked at him for a minute and just walked off.  He couldn't figure out that one.  

He shouldn't have been so quick to judge.  You know every plane had to be designed by an engineer who just loved planes.  Every plane has to be serviced and repaired by a mechanic who just loved planes.  There are lots of important jobs and needs for people who just love something.  Everyone doesn't have to be the pilot. 

Today I took him to something new for both of us.  It was a remote control jet air show at the local airport.  I went expecting to be a good grandmother and suffer through the afternoon.  I should have remembered my past experiences with the airplanes.  My grandson was soon pointing out all of the different planes and pulling me excitedly to a spot by the runway where we could watch them take off and land.  I spent the entire afternoon totally mesmerized by the performance and wonder of these replicas.  Enthusiasts are the same no matter what their enthusiasm, and we were soon talking to the "pilots" and getting all the information on these mighty, little jets.  They are true replicas, down to the last detail and fly at anywhere from 100 to 300 miles an hour.  They performed rolls, loops, stalls, flybys, and lots of other tricks I didn't understand.  We watched in total amazement for over four hours in the hot sun with no complaints. 

Never turn down an opportunity to do something different.  It might just open your eyes to something new and wonderful.

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