Wednesday, May 16, 2012


I have noticed lots of people checking the topic "Tobacco Setting" over the past few weeks.  The time is here, but as is usual in a farmer's life, nothing is simple.  Our unusually warm spring had everyone in hopes of having our crop out early.  However, the danger of a late freeze on tender plants made us hesitate just a little.  That hesitation put us in the middle of a cool, rainy spell that has left the ground too wet to work.  With the beginning of a spell of dry weather in the forecast, the hopes are to get started setting in the next week.

In the meantime, the cool, wet weather has been great for growing hay, but not for harvesting it.  With today's dry, warm weather perfect for curing the hay we have two tractors cutting hay as fast as they can.  It's time, too.  Hay, like anything else has a peak time to harvest.  Too early and the grass isn't mature and at the optimum nutrition level, too late and it goes to seed and loses it's nutrition value.  Add to that the fact that it needs to cure on the ground before being baled and you find yourself looking for that perfect window of three days of hot sunshine.  We think we have it!

Naturally, there are always a dozen things that come up during the time of hay and tobacco. Our son has been busy trying to get all the equipment serviced and ready for the spring season, including trying to rebuild a high-boy that they bought to spray the tobacco later.   Hubby has an auction on Saturday that will probably take all day.  Then Saturday night we have a wedding we have to attend.  On top of that he is short handed at the office, since one of the girls is out with a new baby.  I'm caught with a Board meeting this week and all four grandchildren next week, while our daughter-in-law attends a work related meeting.  Yep!  It's spring!

In between the chaos that is farm life, I will try to take some pictures and keep you updated on the progress of the tobacco crop.  Thanks for the interest.

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