Thursday, December 20, 2012

Merry Christmas to You, Too, Mr. Trooper

Tuesday was one of those days when you wish you had just pulled the covers over your head and stayed in bed.

This Christmas I am running late with everything and wrapping my presents is no exception.  In the middle of wrapping the gifts for the grand kids over the week-end, I made the horrifying discovery that a gift I was sure I had purchased wasn't there.  I don't know if it was a brain fart on my part or if the package was left at the check out, but I didn't have a gift for the younger of the Iowa granddaughters.  Naturally, the item couldn't be found locally but only in a mega chain in Lexington or Louisville, both over an hour away. Monday I was tied up all day in a meeting, so on Tuesday, I checked the stores on line and discovered it was sold out in Lexington but still available in Lousiville.  With that I jumped into my clothes and tore out for the city.

Upon arriving, I discovered that they could not find my "hold for me" order I was sure I had successfully sent that morning.  The very patient manager led me to the shelf where the similar themed toys should be.  Wasn't there.  He looked at me helplessly, "Now, what exactly is it you are looking for."  An endless time of web-waiting and I had a picture and description for him.  He retired to the back to see if they still had it.  He returned with a grim expression on his face.  The computer showed that there were indeed four of the toys in the huge store....somewhere.  Obviously, they had been picked up and put down when shoppers changed their minds.  I was welcome to look....but....  It didn't take me long to decide that I could find a substitute gift or I could spend the day inventorying the store for the misplaced toys. 

During all this time the manager was fielding call after call on his walky-talky, to each one he replied patiently, I'm helping a customer.  I'll get right back to you.  He was calm and helpful, even in the face of my increasing frustration.  Like he had no stress in his life!  Feeling a little ashamed, I gave him a heartfelt thanks for his kindness and help.

Clutching my substitute gift (which my daughter will hate but my granddaughter will love!) I climbed back in my car for the drive home.  Traffic was heavy but I finally was out of the city and making my way across rural roads to home.  Feeling stressed and put upon by the basically fruitless trip (I could have gotten the substitute gift closer to home) I hurried to get back to the chores piling up at the house. 

I was leaving a stretch of four lane road and entering a section of rural two lane, cruising along, muttering to myself about my miserable day when I hit a little downhill section with more speed that I should have.  As I neared the end of the hill I looked up to see a car with Christmas lights on top coming toward me.  As I glanced down in horror I saw that I was doing 70 in a 55 mph zone.  No getting out of that.  I was really and truly caught.  As we passed, the trooper flipped his lights on and they began a cheerful red and blue flashing.  With a sinking feeling, I began braking and looking for a place to pull over safely, knowing that this was really going to make my day a lot worse.  The replacement toy was looking to be the most expensive Christmas gift I gave this Christmas.  I glanced back in my mirror to check on the trooper behind me and was just in time to see him flip off his lights and give me a cheery wave as he continued on down the road.  He had gotten his message across and I was slowing down.

With a sigh of relief I continued on down the road, grateful for his gift, and much slower.

Thank you Mr. Trooper for the Christmas Gift.  I really appreciate it.  That's one expense that would have been a little hard to explain to my insurance agent hubby.


  1. All you had to do, Jo, was call me and I would have gladly picked up the "hold" box and either mailed it to you, held here, delivered, or met you half way. We live almost on the Jefferson/Shelby County line and the "Big Boxes" are close. Don't go through something like that again. Merry Christmas, vpg

    1. Actually, the little manager's diligence in helping out the frustrated grandma and the policeman's cheerful warning did more to put me in the Christmas spirit than all the carols on the radio. The drive also gave me some uninterrupted peace to get my priorities straight. Not a total loss and I have learned that Christmas still happens whether I am ready or not...which I usually am not! Merry Christmas to you all and thanks for the kind someday?
