Friday, November 15, 2013

It Really Was Blake Shelton

Several years ago hubby and I made a trip to Oklahoma where our son was living at the time.  He was glad to see us  and we looked forward to spending some time catching up.  His girlfriend, at the time, was working at a rodeo arena in a small town outside of Stillwater and asked us to be her guests at the rodeo that week-end.  The time came and we eagerly put on our jeans and joined them at the arena.    We didn't know much about rodeos but enjoyed a fun evening watching the cowboys ride and rope from the glassed in bar overlooking the arena. 

The end of the rodeo came and we noticed that a stage had been pulled into the corner of the arena and some musicians were setting up.  It was time for the concert portion of the night.  In no time the dirt floor in front of the stage was filled with fans waiting for the performers.  A tall, nice looking, young man with lots of hair appeared to a good amount of cheering and began to sing.  Although I didn't know much about country music, I had raised two kids who loved it.  That meant that I had listened to hours of country songs while hauling them around in cars and later riding with them.  Soon I was tapping my foot and humming along.  "Hey!"  I commented, "I've heard that song.  Who sings it."  The kids looked at me blankly.  "He does." they replied.

Now, one thing you have to understand, is that I never know the name of a song or the artist.  When we were dating, hubby would call out the artist and song title with the first notes.  I couldn't tell you that information when the song was over.  I could sing along, and happily did, but never could remember titles or artists.

The performance on the arena floor heated up.  Suddenly, I piped up again.  "Oh!  I know that one!  Who sings it!"  Again, the deadpan looks.  "He does.  Blake Shelton."  "You mean," I queried as realization began to dawn, "this guy is someone I've actually heard on the radio?"  Beaming, as you would when a child finally gets the point, they nodded.

After the performance, the kids announced that since this was the Friday night performance and not the sold out Saturday night event (with another singer that I still have never heard of) they were able to obtain "meet and greet" passes that would allow us to meet the young man.  We followed our hostess down a corridor and into a room in the interior of the arena.  We were ushered forward and introduced to a very tall young man and a pretty blond girl.  He was gracious and I was mostly stupid, telling him that he did a "nice" job.  I'm sure he went home and wrote that in his journal!!  We did chat for a few minutes and his girlfriend confided that they were engaged and would be getting married in a couple of years when she got her braces off! 

Fast forward 10 years.  Hubby and I are hooked on watching one of televisions hottest shows, The Voice.  Like millions of others we are enchanted by the performances and the laid-back judges, especially the mega-star Blake Shelton.  "You know"  I ruminated one night, "I think that's the guy we met in Oklahoma."  "No Way!" replied my daughter, "No way you have met Blake Shelton!!!!"  "Actually, I think so, and I have a signed program to prove it."

Well, it took a little searching but I did find my proof. 

It's amazing to realize what a difference 10 years has made.  The struggling young artist that was the Friday night entertainment at a rodeo in rural Oklahoma is now one of the biggest stars in the business.  You can hardly turn on television or the radio and not hear or see Blake Shelton.  Somehow he has maintained his easy, open-hearted candor, and plain folks demeanor that was his hallmark at the time.  I remember thinking at our meeting, while he was being very nice to a dithering fool as she blabbed on, that he must have a good mother because he was so well mannered. 

I sure am glad that he outgrew his girlfriend before she got out of braces.  Miranda Lambert is much better!! 

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