Friday, June 19, 2015

The Parking Pass

We are dedicated fans of the University of Kentucky.  We have never had basketball tickets but have managed to have season tickets for the football program for the past 40 years.  For those of you who might not realize it, getting season basketball tickets at UK involves either lots of money, someone dying and willing them to you, or a little larceny.  Season football tickets are much easier to obtain.  Mostly because you won't see our football teams as regular prime time features on ESPN. There have been times, I swear, that they should have paid us to attend!  However, we are and will continue to be steadfast football fans.

Sometimes the best part of the football games takes place in the parking lots.  We have been tailgating with the same friends since before our children were born.  We faithfully fed all the kids and their friends mountains of food before games while they were in college.  Now it is payback time and the kids are packing the food and feeding us. (We moms still manage to contribute a dish or two.)

The party starts several hours before game time with the adults nibbling and the grandkids tossing footballs.  For the past several years we have parked in a grassy lot, under a shade tree.  Unfortunately, a renovation of the stadium, new roads, and building expansions have caused all the parking to be rearranged.  The news came on Wednesday.  We were all separated into various lots all over campus.  Panic reared it's ugly head.

"What do you mean, we're in the White-Green lot!  Call up there and tell them we want back in Purple or else!!!"  Hubby demanded in frustration. 

So I called the number provided, fully expecting to be on hold for an hour or two.  Surprisingly, my call was answered by a very polite girl.  I explained my problem and she very sweetly promised to do whatever she could to see that our group was reunited but it probably wouldn't be in our old lot since it had mostly been eliminated.  I in turn, unloaded on her all the frustration and anxiety that Hubby had unloaded on me.  "I know we don't donate tons of money to UK, but you would think that 40 years of sitting in the rain and snow for losing teams would count for something!"  I sputtered.  In all fairness, they weren't always losing teams and we've had a ton of fun attending the games.  She responded kindly, "You are right and we will see what we can do about getting you moved to a lot that will suit you."  After a few minutes more she had my pertinent information and I had released all my venting.  Then she paused, "That's the other line calling and it's the ticket office.  I really need to take this call.  I'll call you back."

We disconnected and I thought, sarcastically, "Sure, you'll call me back!" I was pretty sure I had been dumped and that was the end of things.

An hour or so later the phone rings.  A cheerful voice announced, "I've been doing some looking around and I have a suggestion that might suit your group.   I think you might like a new lot we've opened in the Arboretum.  It's really beautiful, grassy and shady, and you'll be right next to where your old lot was.  I can move you and your friends there it you want."  She went on to explain that they were trying to take requests from people wanting to move out of a lot and match it with people wanting to move into that lot.  Sort of like a huge puzzle.  Out of the thousands of ticket holders there were a bunch of people confused and frustrated just like us, so that's a lot of juggling of requests.

Throughout all of this she remained calm, sympathetic, cheerful and helpful.  I suspect the office must be supplying tranquilizers in a dispenser by the water cooler.   Either way, she deserves a raise!  Heck, she deserves a commendation.

 Instead, I invited her to join us at the next tailgate party!

1 comment:

  1. Kentuckians! Ain't they just sumthing! Go Cats! regards, vpg
