Tuesday, December 15, 2015

The Big Ass TV

They just don't make things like they used to.  Our couch is a prime example.  After fifteen years of kids, dogs, snoozes, ballgames and cuddling in front of the fire, it is beginning to come apart.  While it is still the most comfortable couch we have ever had, it is beginning to look like it belongs in a college bachelor apartment.

With company coming over the holidays we decided it was time to bite the bullet and buy a new couch.  "You have to come with me.", I announced one morning.  "You are the one that uses it the most.  You watch ballgames and then often get up in the night and sleep on it.  So it has to fit you, not me."  "Well, you use it too." he responded, just short of a whine.  "You haven't been paying attention.  My end of the couch is equipped with a signal button under the cushion.  As soon as my butt hits the cushion someone needs something and I have to jump back up." I responded.

So, off we went to the city to shop for a new couch. 

It really didn't take long.  We wandered the store, sitting, reclining, and even laying down on first one couch then another.  One couch caught our fancy and before you could snap your fingers a saleslady was filling out forms and starting the bargaining process.  Hubby has years of sales under his belt so offers, counter-offers and deals were soon flying.  Before long we were leaving the store, with a quote in hand, to go home and measure our space again to be sure it would fit.  We would then call back, finalize the deal, and set up a delivery date. 

Since we were close, and I needed a water filter for the refrigerator, we swung by the HHGreg appliance store.  I headed for the refrigerator section while Hubby wandered off.  After securing the filter and paying for it, I started searching for Hubby.  I finally found him stretched out comfortably in a recliner in the TV section, talking earnestly to a friendly young salesman. (Funny how the recliners were placed right next to the TV section!) They were deep into a discussion of pixels, HD, inches, and remote controls.  "Look at this picture!", he enthused as I walked up.  "Kevin, here, says that it will work on the chimney with no problem." he continued, happily, "He even says it's on sale!" 

Whoa!  What is happening here?

"We've got to go home and measure the chimney to make sure it will fit." he continued.  "We can pick it up after the ballgame this week-end."  "Honey," I asked in my most reasonable voice, "I thought we were measuring for a new couch?"  He grabbed his phone as we left the store, "The couch!  Right!" he dialed rapidly.  "I'm calling about the couch we just looked at.  If you can bring your price down to this (amount) we've got a deal.  You can't come down any lower?  OK.  Thanks for your help anyway."  He turned to me, "I guess the deal fell through.  We'll look some more later."

Thus, we bought a 60" TV that covers the entire chimney from mantle to crown molding.

 I guess we'll sit on the cracked, faded leather couch a little while longer.

The moral of this story is....don't ever take a man to buy a water filter.


  1. I can't take my "hubby" to Sams without his stopping in front of the biggest tv with all the whistles and bells imaginable. Every time we buy one there is a bigger, better one for him to dream about.

    1. How true! However the next one may require another room added on to the old farmhouse!

  2. I love cracked, old, weathered leather furniture. It gives it character. I have a rocking chair in my new den that has a rip in it, and I left it just like that!

    Cindy Bee
