Friday, November 27, 2009

Cold Friday

After months of moderate weather we have had a touch of winter. The weather, while sunny, has been cold. This has been an unusual year. Summer was mild, with temperatures rarely reaching the upper 90's. Fall, however, has been warm with lots of days in the 70's and 80's. That combined with the abundant rainful has meant a beautiful summer and fall. Now, it is beginning to look like winter might actually come. These facts are the important topics of the day for the farmer. The weather rules our lives and livelihoods. This year the view from the kitchen window has been beautiful!

Today I had the three grandsons for the day. At 18 months, 3 1/2, and 12 they can certainly keep one old lady busy. I wonder how on earth I managed to raise two children, have a successful and demanding career, and still have a social life. Today it is all I can do to just keep up with the two little ones. The house is a wreck, I'm exhausted, and my hubby is asleep on the couch--that pretty well describes the day.

I look at my grandchildren and am amazed at the wonder of genetics. I see my eyes and eyebrows on the face of the oldest, my son's sunny disposition in the youngest, and my husband's teasing nature in the middle one. How do these things pop out in the generations? Is it random selection? I think not. Only a powerful, all knowing God could create something as complex as the human being with all it's many facets and genetics. How wonderful is his work!

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