Thursday, November 26, 2009

Today's View

I have lived my life based on the view from my kitchen window. I have gazed over the green, lush fields of central Kentucky watching the activities of our small Angus farm unfold. The years have passed and the kids have grown to adulthood with kids of their own but the fields stay the same. Life moves on but it is always full of surprises, joys, sorrow, and peace.

As I look out the window, I have learned to time supper by when the hay baler makes the last round on the field. I have watched the excited collie, tame her manner to match the hestitant steps of my toddling grandson, somehow knowing that the little one needed his care not his playfulness. I have seen my children grow from childhood to parenthood in the blink of an eye. I have watched sunrises and sunsets too numerous to mention but always with a feeling of awe at what God has created. The view has been good.

Today as I wash dishes from Thanksgiving dinner and gaze out the window, I am reminded of the many things that we have to be thankful for. The usual things: health, family, home, children, a free nation, a loving God. The particular things: A daughter, nearly lost, now with health, husband, children and a full life. A grandson united with his family and enjoying security and love. A 96 yr. old mother-in-law who continually astounds the doctors by recovering from illnesses. A 41 yr. marriage that continues to be strong. Friends that enrich our lives and share our joys and sorrows.

As I write this blog I will attempt to share with you the life of a mother caring for children,grandchildren and an aging parent with dementia. Life isn't always fun but it is rewarding and filled with surprises. Many of you have the same problems and challenges. You will relate to the ups and downs that catch many of us in the "sandwich generation". I used to think that when I reached retirement age, I would be able to vacation, relax, take up a hobby or just goof off. I didn't realize that the work would just be beginning. Instead of taking time to take care of me, I find that I am now caring for everyone else. The world is moving at a faster pace and I am struggling to keep up. Sound familiar?

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