Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Open House

I guess I have never realized what a good friend my husband is. It was obvious that he knew a lot of people but had never really figured out how much they all thought of him.

Since his surgery he has been confined to the house. This has caused a lot of betting in town. The bets are mostly concerning how long he will last before the drives me to brain him with something. He's not known for being the most patient man, nor for doing a lot of sitting around. He's also not known for doing what he is told, especially if he doesn't agree with it. So the two weeks of enforced inactivity have everyone wondering how he will handle it.

I guess I could describe it, so far, as a big office party. His partners have been here most days with work for him to do and keeping him updated. My computer has been commandeered and I am now working from my laptop on the kitchen table. I've quit even answering the phone because I know it's not for me. The good news is that he hasn't been starting work until after he's had his hot breakfast (after years of me dishing out cold cereal. He's not milking this for all he can get or anything).

The party has been from the constant stream of visitors who have come by to keep him entertained. The weather has been perfect fall weather, so a lot of the visits have taken place on the back porch. The hill has rocked with deep bursts of male laughter. The tall tales have been followed by short jokes and local news. My job is rather like a maid. I bring them something to drink, fix them food and stop to listen and giggle.

I always knew he was a good and caring man. However, the truth of how good a friend he is, is in the number of his friends that have wanted to be sure he was entertained in his "house arrest". They have come to keep him company, lift his spirits, and encourage him. They have brought food, cards, and lots of caring. A lot of people have to die before they find out how much people care. We have been lucky to discover this while we can still enjoy the party.

Thanks guys.

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