Saturday, December 25, 2010

Holiday Havoc

I apologize for my lengthy absence. I'm not sure what happened but the days in November and December quit having 24 hrs and were reduced to about 12. That's the only thing I can figure out to explain how I have managed to get to Christmas without getting anything done. For the first time in history I have not sent a single Christmas card, much less a thoughtful handwritten note. The grandkids have all but disowned me because there is not a single piece of candy or a cookie in the house (even the Halloween candy is gone!) The meals have leaned a lot more toward McDonalds than Gourmet and you know what....we've still had a great Christmas!

Surprise! Christmas isn't about beautiful packages or 50 kinds of cookies. It's about family, kids, giggles, secrets, whispers, and love. That much we have had in abundance.

However, I have noticed that as I winged my frazzled way from upheaval to disaster, my daughter has begun to give me worried looks. You can tell she is remembering days when I entertained with everything organized, done ahead and looking easy. I think she is pretty sure that the old show horse is about ready to be put out to pasture. Of course, in those days my kids were younger but they knew better than to interrupt when I was deep into cooking and would never have yelled for Jo-Jo to come work a puzzle with them. When I hear that call I can't help but think "Now what do I really want to do. Cook or play with the grandkids?" What do you think happens? We can eat at McDonalds--again.

I know I am getting older. I know I am slowing down. I know it's harder every year to get everything done. However in my defense I am working with a slight handicap. I had two kids. Now I have two "visitors" and five grandkids. My normal routine is shot all to ____! Every time I turn around there is another pile of stuff on my counter, more shoes in the entryway, more coats on the chairs, and toys everywhere. Someone is always eating or rummaging in the refrigerator. Towels and washcloths start to multiply in the utility room.

But you know what the real show stopper is? You know what really keeps me from getting all my chores done? I just can't resist sitting down with a cup of tea for a quick chat with my daughter or running out to the barn to see the newest baby calf with my son. I had no idea it was such fun to work giant floor puzzles with my grandson or read books with my granddaughter. Who would have thought it would take so much time to tell the grandkids the stories about all ornaments on the Christmas tree....from our first little plastic ones to the ones our kids made?

The long and the short of it is that our Christmas wasn't a Hallmark moment. However there were a lot of hugs, stories, laughter and tears. My Christmas cards will be done after Christmas (although I swear, I will write notes to all my dear friends), we'll gain less weight due to less cooking, the presents were in bags instead of elegantly wrapped boxes, but we had a lot of fun! After all, now that they are all gone I have until next Christmas to get ready for 2011!!

Next year they are all getting summer clothes because I am starting in JULY!!

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