Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Game Time

My husband loves football. He also loves basketball. He even likes baseball, soccer, tennis, golf and has occasionally watched rugby! What he doesn't like is to watch them alone. That means our den is constantly draped in long, lanky forms cheering or groaning as the games progress. My role is part waitress, bartender, and short-order cook.

Since these gatherings seem to be a little impromptu (probably everyone knows about them but me), I have learned to keep the freezer stocked with goodies. Thank goodness for Sam's. I've really gotten very good at producing munchies and goodies on short notice. Of course they are a little long on fats and calories, but who is counting. At least who was counting until the year the doctor told hubby he had to lower his triglycerides. That meant a real change in munching habits.

The guys gathered as usual to watch the home team play. They all settled in and began eyeing the kitchen door to see what would appear. Drinks were prepared and the coffee table cleared off for the hoped for food. The game started and one by one the guys appeared at the door to see if there was anything they could do to "help". Smiling, I told them to get comfortable that I had everything under control. The first hint that things were changing came when I placed a big bowl of air-popped popcorn on the table. One of the guys poked it gently and inquired "what's this". "Popcorn, silly" I replied. "Oh, I guess you forgot the butter", he smiled. "Nope. It's better for you plain." I smiled back. Looking a little pitiful they munched away determinedly.

However, when I arrived with a big relish tray with low-fat dip they were not amused. "You don't expect us to eat this do you?" "Those are carrots!" "How about some chips to use with the dip" "Surely, this isn't all we are going to get?" "Don't you have some cheese and crackers at least". I held firm, knowing that hubby would never be able to resist if I set it out.

This lasted for most of the football season and all of the basketball. I varied the offerings with other low-fat selections and they manfully tried them all. A few resorted to trying to sneak in chips and pizza but I soon discouraged that. Come spring hubby's visit to the doctor was a time of tense waiting for all. Cheers erupted when the news came back. Everything was normal!! They could eat again!!

They still gather to watch the games and eat. We are eating more "game foods" now but I try to keep them balanced with low fat offerings. We still eat pizza and sausage and cheese dip, but we also eat turkey sandwiches and salsa dip. One thing we don't eat is popcorn and relish trays!

However, every now and then, just for fun, I'll set out the celery and carrots. You should see their faces!

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