Friday, January 7, 2011

The Weaker Sex

I sure am glad that God has a sense of humor. When God created Adam's help-mate he made her smaller, more delicate, softer, and gentler. Then to balance things out he made her tougher than old shoe leather. If he hadn't who would take care of the males of this world?

It seems that I have been taking care of sick males since before Christmas. The middle grandson came down with a mysterious fever and eye infection just before Christmas. The sitter can't have a sick one with all the other kids, so guess who showed up at my house. "Uh, mom, I know this is short notice" mumbled my son with his drooping little one on his shoulder. Short, as in 8 am the day before Christmas Eve and 17 people coming. OK, put him on the couch, we'll just clean around him. He was still sick Christmas morning, but enough better to enjoy the goodies under the tree. I haven't had the nerve to poll the families attending Christmas Eve to see if anyone else turned up sick.

Within a day or two my son is wandering through the house wondering what he can do for an awful sore throat. Try the doctor, I advise. He droops around for a day then consults the doc and gets a prescription. Of course, he doesn't stay home, he keeps wandering in and our of my house, looking for sympathy and comfort.

Then on the first day back at school son shows up again. This time it's the oldest grandson and a stomach virus. Yea. That one manages to run a fever for two more days while slurping up chicken noodle soup and looking pitiful. We actually spent a couple of neat days watching rented movies. I can recommend "The Last Airbender" and the "Sorcerer's Apprentice".

About this time I had a routine dental appointment. At the end of the check-up the dentist asks "Does your throat feel funny?' "Well, now that you mention it, it has been scratchy feeling". "Well, get ready because it's blistered and you'll probably be feeling a lot worse shortly". That figures, if you nurse enough sick men, you eventually will catch something.

I told the assembled crew that night that I was probably coming down with something and not to expect much out of me for a few days. It didn't make much impression. "Listen", I said, "I really am getting sick, so don't bring me anyone else to nurse".

The next morning, hubby rolls over and croaks, "I'm sick. My throat is killing me. I couldn't sleep all night. I'm running a fever. My throat hurts!" "NO!!" I whined, "You can't out-sick me! It's my turn. I get to lay on the couch and have someone bring me meals." Unfortunately, the truth of the matter is that I was already feeling better. I guess God knew I didn't have time to be really sick. So, out comes the chicken soup and the remote. One more to wait on.

Like I said. It's a good thing God created women to take care of men.

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