Monday, August 22, 2011

Pizza in the Patch

This has been a hard year for the tobacco patch.  For some reason we live in an area that is ignored by storm clouds during dry spells.  We used to sit on the porch and watch the rain fall just north of us or just east of us or on occasion in our neighbor's field but not ours.  Now we sit glued to the smart phones watching the radar and seeing the clouds open up and detour around us.  On one occasion actually parting and pouring rain to the south and north of us but leaving us dry.  Hubby says he doesn't know why he didn't just move years ago, but instead we just keep trying.  Fortunately, it isn't like that every year!

However, we have had enough rain for the tobacco to grow and it's now ready to top.  Tobacco grows on a stalk that produces leaves up the stalk ending with a single cluster bloom in the very top.  It actually is beautiful but few farmers have much to say good about it.  When it blooms, it is time to "top" it.  That means each bloom is broken out by hand to encourage the plant to grow and mature.  That's hours of reaching over your head and snapping out the tops of the plants.  It tiring, aching work done in the hottest weather.  Not for the weak willed.

My son, grandson, his neighbor and anyone else he could corral have been topping for the last few days.  With most everyone having a "real" job during the day they rush home, change clothes and go immediately to the patch.  Supper is sometimes eaten at ten at night just before falling into bed.  On this night everyone got hungry and decided they really wanted a pizza.  Now in a rural area that isn't always as simple as calling for delivery.  The best choice was to call the neighboring town, who have a Papa John's that delivers.  They in turn will take it to the Rite-Aid in our town for you to meet them and pick it up.  Some time ago, I managed to convince them that they could save time and money by delivering to me since they drove right by my house to get to Rite-Aid.  I guess I am one of the few people in our county who have real delivery pizza. 

So the call goes like this:
"We want to order a pizza."
"Ok we'll deliver it to Rite-Aid"
"You deliver to the Campbell's don't you?"
"You want it delivered to the Campbell's?"
"Well, not exactly.  When you get to the Campbell's drive, don't go up the drive, but follow the old road to the right.  Cross over the old bridge and look for the cars and trucks.  We'll be in the tobacco patch just across the creek."

I must really over-tip these kids driving because after a quick check of the information in his computer he agrees to this arrangement.

"uhh...OK.  It'll be about 30 minutes"

Sure enough in about 30 minutes they look up to see a little red car bouncing into the field.  Rarely, has his delivery been greeting with such enthusiasm.  He grinned proudly, "I've delivered to a lot of places but this is the first time in a tobacco patch!"

You've just got to love rural communities.

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