Thursday, August 11, 2011

Summer's End

School started today for the grandsons.  That always means the end of summer even if the event does come earlier and earlier.  The oldest grandson had been moping around for days moaning about how we hadn't gotten to do anything.  (I guess the church trip to Tennessee and the family trip to the gulf didn't register)  However, he was right we hadn't really gotten to do much together except one trip to the zoo.  I mentioned this to hubby over lunch and he responded with "Well, do something!".   Thus encouraged I decided to use the couple of days left and plan a trip for all three boys.

This would be the first time I had attempted taking the two little boys with us and I wasn't really sure how I would manage.  However, you can't take one of the little ones without the other, so I took the plunge.  A quick Internet check located a room at a State Park that wasn't too far away.  (2 hours is about my limit with the little ones in a car.)  For years, the State Parks were our vacation sources when ours were little.  They are generally inexpensive, clean and well maintained.  They were designed years ago to give townspeople a chance to enjoy the natural beauty of Kentucky and they are still doing their job.  They have nature trails, swimming pools,playgrounds, beaches, golf, fishing, boating, horseback riding, cabins and lodges.  Perfect for our group of mixed ages of 3, 5, and nearly 14, plus grandma.

We arrived at the beautiful Barren River Lake State Resort about four hours early for our 3 pm check-in time.  I stopped by the lodge first to let them know we were there and let them know we would be at the beach.  First problem.  The very nice young lady told me that due to the extremely high waters in the spring their beach was closed for the season to rebuild it.  However, we could use the pool or any of the other lodge facilities.  I mentioned that although I knew we were early, I wondered if we could possibly check in early after lunch since I had two that would need naps.  She quickly checked and said I could go on and check in now since they had a room that was already cleaned and ready.  Try doing that anywhere else!!

Before long we were unloaded and spreading our quilt under a huge shade tree by the lake and having a picnic lunch.  The older grandson immediately grabbed his fishing pole and headed for the lake to feed the fish.  I decided to take the two younger boys to the pool for a little splash time.  I frankly was surprised at how much fun I had playing with the little ones in the pool.  When we were worn down we headed for the room for a nap.  About the same time the older grandson showed up with a downcast expression.  He had already broken his fishing pole.  Upon questioning he revealed that he hadn't done just fell apart!  O K, sure.  I remembered seeing a stand full of poles behind the desk in the lodge, so I sent him to check.  They cheerfully supplied him with a fishing pole for his use at no charge.  I decided trying to get two excited, squirming boys to sleep was an exercise in futility, so we all accompanied him back to the lake to fish. 

Thus we spent a happy 36 hours of freedom.  Finding goose feathers, following tracks in the mud, throwing rocks in the water, watching sticks float to shore, digging in the dirt, watching clouds and trying not to bother our fisherman too much.  We swam a little, visited the marina to see the boats (and buy more night crawlers), ate in the lodge dining room with indulgent fellow guests, who didn't mind our lack of public manners, and visited repeatedly with the park naturalists who answered thousands of questions and even let them feed the collection of turtles, frogs, lizards and toads.  In short we had a great time on our short trip.  I did discover quickly why when we had little ones we were all a lot skinnier.  Grandma didn't stop moving much or have much time for leisurely meals!

The perfect end to the trip came when they each gave me a big hug and begged to do this again next year, but longer!  Maybe I'll be rested up by then.

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