Friday, December 23, 2011

I Must be Shrinking

We always celebrate Christmas Eve with hubby's brother's family. We gather early in the afternoon, eat, drink and visit until time for Christmas Eve service. We started out at my mother-in-law's, but over the years we have migrated to our house. Each year I tend to feel like I am getting shorter and shorter. You see we managed somehow to raise a group of very large children.

My brother-in-law and his wife took their time figuring out how to make babies, but once they started they did a really thorough job. They produced three boys and a girl. He once said that he sure was delighted that the last one was a girl, because he was pretty sure his wife was going to keep on trying until she got one! They all seemed pretty normal until about junior high school, then they started growing. The three boys grew to 6'3" or 6'4". Their sister probably is close to 6' herself. Two of the boys played college football and the third choose to attend a school that didn't offer him a football scholarship. The little sister was recruited heavily by several schools as a volleyball player. They weren't just jocks either (nothing against jocks). They all did well in their studies and are now a chemist, stockbroker, marketing specialist and the oldest is a farm manager like his dad.

They all are married now and of course, all but one, married tall people. The daughter married a guy as tall (if not taller) than her brothers. I slip around refilling drinks and passing nibbles and dodging belt buckles! Especially when you add my children to the mix. My son is 6'4" and my daughter is a measly 5'7". She's the short one in the bunch. Of course, they also both married tall people. Just getting a hug from everyone can seriously compromise my back or theirs! I've considered just getting a stool and standing on it by the door when they arrive. We're a huggy, loving family but it can be hazardous and challenging.

You see hubby and I are average in height. I am 5'4" he's 5'10". His brother was slightly taller and his wife probably 5'6". Whatever the cause, I feel like I'm shrinking when I'm surrounded by all these tall children.

It must have been all the pre-natal vitamins we took.

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