Thursday, January 5, 2012

Christmas Adventures

Christmas is over and everything is beginning to settle back down to normal, whatever that is. I can honestly say this was a big Christmas for us.

Our Christmas celebration officially began with all of hubby's brother's family gathering at our house for fellowship then going to Christmas Eve services at church. We all had a ball watching the little second cousins getting to know each other. With ages ranging from 6 months to 5 years the six little cousins had a wonderful time chasing each other up and down the stairs, in and out of the kitchen, around the dining room table and through the sun room. Most of the adults just tried to keep from being bowled over. The lone fourteen year old wisely entertained himself with a game. (When he wasn't eating or listening to tall tales. A teenager learns quickly that by being quiet he can learn many fascinating stories about the adults he thought were supposed to be "perfect".)

Christmas morning was spent with the four grandsons in a sea of wrapping paper, ribbon, boxes and presents. I'm not sure I ever figured out how to operate the remote controlled car.

Then my daughter and her family arrived home the day after Christmas and we started it all over again. Again it was the kids (five under six years old) that provided the entertainment. At some point during the aftermath of opening presents, the 3-yr. old granddaughter and the 5 yr. old grandson wound up in the bathroom together. Suddenly the little girl bursts out of the bathroom frantically yelling for her mother. "My feet are getting wet!!". Sure enough they had somehow managed to cause the toilet to overflow and water was rapidly covering the floor. I ran for the bathroom sticking my head in the bedroom on my way past, yelling for hubby to come. My son and I hit the disaster area about the same time. Fortunately, it wasn't a "nasty" overflow but clean water. Son manned the plunger while I grabbed the water cut-off. Fortunately, a little mopping, a couple of wet rugs removed and we were back in business. (We may never know what they tried to flush!) Hubby then appears and wonders what the excitement is.......

The next adventure came a day or so later when the kids were enjoying the mild weather and playing outside. (You'd think I would learn.) Soon here they all came stampeding for the house. This time all the adults were in the house watching the Univ. of Ky - Univ. of Louisville basketball game. (a major rivalry and much anticipated game). My daughter took one look at the problem and yelled for her brother. "This one is all yours". It seems that the three year old grandson had found some used oil in the barn. Of course he had to stick his hand in it, then he wiped his head. When he realized his problem he tried to fix it by wiping his hands on his jeans. In short he was covered with black, sticky oil. The second quarter of the game was spent in the bathroom scrubbing and discussing all the reasons you shouldn't play in the nasty oil. Fortunately, grandma keeps extra clothes, so soon all was well.

The "herd" went back to playing and the adults returned to watching the game.

Before long I turned from the sink to realize I was surrounded by pleading eyes. The five year old grandson plucked at my arm and whispered "You've got to come now. He needs clean jeans and socks. Come now!" I quickly counted heads and realized that the 3 yr. old was missing. "What's wrong?" I questioned, "why does he need clean clothes?". Again pleading eyes and insistent tugs. "Just come now!!" So I followed the pack of kids back upstairs to discover an embarrassed little boy, standing with his head down and no clothes on. It seems he had had an "accident" in his pants and in the process of trying to clean himself up had managed to smear it on all his clothes.

His little face turned up to me beseechingly, "Please don't tell my dad. I don't want him to scrub me again." I had to laugh. I guess the process of removing the sticky oil had not been too pleasant. I hugged him (very carefully) and assured him that I could take care of this myself.

It's a good thing that there weren't any more adventures. I was about out of clean clothes!

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