Monday, January 7, 2013

You Know You Live in a Small Town When

You know you are in a small town when......

A husband stops in the grocery on the way home to pick up a few items and is informed by the check-out lady that he can put the milk back because his wife has already been in and bought that.

The counter girl at the local fast food yells for a pot of decaff coffee when she sees you in line.

Fast food lunches take an hour because you have to stop and visit with everyone in there.

If you aren't home the delivery man will take your package to your hubby's office or your neighbor.

When your roof is damaged by a storm and you can call your insurance agent at 10 pm and he will come over and help you secure it for the night.

The local pharmacy will open at midnight because your can't find the baby's pacifier and no one is sleeping until you have a replacement.

Everyone knows your child's name and your dog's--and they will all help out when one or the other strays off.

When your teenage daughter has a fender bender and a neighbor calls you then hugs her until you can get there.

When you show up at gym after being absent and everyone wants to know about your vacation.

Church is reconvened on Sunday at the local restaurant.

The grocery clerk lets slip that your hubby forgot to get his daily candy bar when he stopped by earlier--a habit he didn't know he had.

If you get your hair fixed and forget to sign the check, the bank calls and wants to know if you liked your hair-do enough to come and sign it.

You can make one trip to the grocery and catch up on everyone's plans for the holidays.

When you can run into the banker at the drug store and give him your deposit to put in the bank for you.

When you don't have to worry about hubby starving to death when you are out of town because everyone knows he's batching it and will invite him for a meal.

When your grandchild's principal was one of the rowdy boys that used to play basketball at your house.

When bad luck happens there is a fresh casserole in your refrigerator by the time you get home.

When it is more of a family than a community....

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