Saturday, February 16, 2013

The Flirt

Hubby's grandfather was an incurable flirt,  but he carried it off with such class and style that no one ever held it against him.

When I knew him he was a tall, handsome man with thick white hair which fell in a wave over his forehead.  He had bright blue eyes that held a glint that warned of a joke to come.  And, boy, did he love the girls.  When the boys would bring home a new girl to introduce, he would throw open his arms and welcome you to the family with a warm hug.  As I quickly learned, the trick was to get the hug in and get out before he managed a mild grope.  His intentions were harmless, he just really loved women.

Elvis Presley was once asked, "What is your idea of the perfect woman?"  His answer was, "female".  That pretty much summed up Grandaddy, he was enchanted by all females.

Granny was a saint.  She was the epitome of the perfect lady.  From the top of her carefully bunned hair to the tip of her black shoes she was a gentlewoman.  Yet, she never did more than look at him in amusement when he would get up to his tricks.  Her look said it all.  "He's like a dog chasing a car.  He's having a great time but wouldn't know what to do if he caught one!"

He was never crude or obnoxious about his delight.  When his only granddaughter married he was thrilled and proud to stand in the receiving line as they greeted the guests.  He welcomed each female, from babies to grandmothers, with a warm hug and a kiss.  His only regret was that he only had one granddaughter to marry off.  (He still managed to get in a few hugs and kisses during the grandson's weddings.)  He was gracious, charming, handsome, and none of the women ever minded the gentle squeeze and respectful smooch on the cheek.

Granny and Granddaddy went to Florida every winter for an extended visit to escape the cold and ice.  Granddaddy soon would establish a pattern of taking a walk on the beach each day.  He would stroll along, calling out greetings to friends and making new friends.  Before long he would spot some luscious young thing working on her tan.  He would amble over and gently comment.  "Excuse an old man for being forward, but your back is getting a little pink.  Maybe I could help you get a little more sun lotion on that hard to reach spot."  He would then carefully, and gently, smooth the sun lotion over the smooth, young back.  Then he would tip his hat and wander on down the beach with a renewed spring to his step.

He was a classic.

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