Thursday, April 25, 2013

No Peace on the Hill

It's beautiful on the farm.  The redbuds are blooming and their soft purple blooms add a beautiful contrast to the light, delicate greens of the newly leafed out trees.  The deep velvety green of the cedars lend a depth to the background, making the colors stand out like a beautiful bouquet.  I love spring.

The black cows and dainty calves stand out like jewels on the lush green of the fields. I could watch their frolicking and playing all day.  Everything is so new and perfect. 

Then this perfection is broken by the loud bawl of an unhappy resident of this bucolic landscape.  Soon an entire chorus of bellows, bawls and moans fill the air.  "I guess you've decided to wean the calves" I yell to hubby as we stand in the yard.  "It's time to let their mamas rest a while and get ready for the next calving season", he yells back.  "They aren't too happy about it", I screech.  "Guess the sign wasn't right.  They'll settle down in a while." he bellows back.

The calves in question are milling around in the barn lot that borders the yard.  After getting the cattle up yesterday for their bi-annual check-up, the mama cows were returned to the field and their 6 month old calves were left in the lot.  It was time for them to be weaned from their mamas.  They had been snacking on grain for a while, so they knew how to eat, they just weren't quite ready to give up the nice easy milk meal.  So they stood at the fence and hollered for their mamas to come back and get them.  The mamas, who had been watching out for these babies for the past months were just as upset about the situation.  They, in turn, were bellowing back telling their babies to come on to the field.  It wasn't a symphony.

Naturally, this always happens when the weather turns warm enough to open the windows and air out the house.  That means that even phone conversations are a challenge.  "Is that your cat?'  "No, it's a calf"  "In the house?"  "No, they are in the barn lot."  "Are they hurt?  Are they dying?"  "No", I laugh, "but they sure think they are!"  Sleep become a sometime thing.  I woke up from a deep sleep the other night with a start that caused my heart to pound.  After several hours of quiet, one of the calves had awakened to discover his mama wasn't there.  The quiet of the night was broken by a long wail of disbelief.  Soon the entire lot was crying out their loneliness. 

Turning over, I viciously kicked hubby who was sleeping peacefully through it all.  "What's the matter.", he sputtered.  "The calves woke me up.", I snarl.  "What do you want me to do about it." he asks reasonably.  "Nothing." I reply, "but if I'm going to be up all night, you sure aren't going to sleep!!!"

Fortunately, the calves get over it and settle down before our marriage is irreparably damaged.

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