Saturday, July 20, 2013

Random Thoughts

We were out of town for a week with the mid-west family and returned home to backed-up chores, high heat, and grandkids, so time to share has been limited, to say the least.
The massive rains (11 inches in two weeks) have created some nightmares on the farm.  Our son's tobacco crop was declared 100% loss.  The beautiful rows of green plants were reduced to yellow and brown from the unrelenting rain.  Farmers must keep the ulcer medicine companies in business. 
I spent all spring on a campaign to reduce the size of my garden.  Hubby just loves to plant and I usually wind up with rows and rows of beans to pick and can.  So this year instead of nagging, I've been feeding him green beans every meal, telling him all the time that I need to get the number of jars stored in the basement down to make room for the new ones.  The garden was actually planted while I was away visiting  and the plan worked.  He only planted four rows of beans with plans to do a few more for a late crop.  Then the plan boom-a-ranged on me.  We arrived home from a week in drought and heat stricken Missouri to find that the incessant rain had reduced my garden to mush.  The few beans that survived were demanding to be picked immediately. (Beans are like a lot of plants...if allowed to bring beans to complete maturity they will quit producing new beans, since they see their job as done!  Hence, you have to keep picking for them to keep producing.)  So, I started picking in the heat and mud. 
Grandchildren tickle the heart and exhaust the body.

My daughter-in-law is out of town this week on business and the oldest grandson is on a mission trip to far Eastern Kentucky, that leaves my son and I hustling to keep up with the younger ones.  I found out that I am completely out of practice at keeping up with a 2, 5, and 7 year old and cooking three meals a day.  We've managed to have a lot of fun but I'm usually running about a step behind.  The plus side is the delight we have had in the time with them. 
Saw a quote I just have to pass along.

"Here in the South, we don't hide crazy.  We parade it on the front porch and give it a cocktail."

It made me think of some of my favorite relatives, which are, at best, eccentric. 
A mother can always find something to feel guilty about.

I know I am not responsible for the weather, but I find myself apologizing for it.  My daughter is suffering from a severe lack of rain, so when I talk to her I tend to downplay our crisis of too much rain.  When I talk to my son, I tend to be careful not to dwell on the plight of the hot, dry situation of his sibling.  Why?  I certainly can't fix either's problems.

Hubby and I took an extra couple of days and made a one and a half day drive going and coming from Missouri to vacation with the Iowa family.  It was a grand trip out, full of anticipation at being with the granddaughters and total enjoyment of the peace and quiet returning home.

On our trip we crossed into Missouri at Wickliff, Ky.   A fascinating adventure.  We first crossed the muddy Ohio River in full flood.  We arrived off the bridge on a little spit of land then, continued on a second bridge to cross the slightly smaller Mississippi River.  Looking to your left you can see where these two mighty rivers join to become the massive, rolling, muddy, Mississippi River.  Awesome!

Hope you are neither too hot, too dry, too wet, or too cold. Or as Baby Bear says in Goldilocks, just right.

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