Thursday, September 19, 2013

Play Ball

It was approaching dusk and the two little girls were burning off a little energy before bedtime.  The youngest was reaching the frustration stage with her hula hoop when the older one ran by with a plastic ball and bat, "Lets play ball!"  Hula hoop forgotten they ran to the grassy area beside the barn just in time to meet their dad coming in from evening chores in the barn.  "Pitch for us daddy!  Pitch for us!!"  Grinning he agreed.  Mom wandered over from watering the flower bed to watch.  

The oldest daughter grabbed the bat and took her batting stance.  Back straight, knees bent, elbows out.  Daddy wound up for the pitch and lobbed one over the "plate".  With a mighty swing she blasted the ball past her daddy, beyond mom and into the gravel in front of the shed, where it was neatly fielded by the Australian Shepherd.  "Run!  Run!" shouted her daddy.  "Where??" she responded looking around the grassy area.  "Just pick a spot for bases." responded her parents.  So off she ran, touching the light pole and yelling "first", high-fiving her mom and yelling "second", smacking the old maple tree and calling out "third".  Her sister cheered her into home, wanting her turn at bat.

Soon a spirited ballgame was taking place with the little girls taking turns at bat and mom serving as cheerleader and second base.  Lexi, the shepherd, scurried happily around, chasing down the balls.  There was a slight hitch since she would only return them to mom and only then after calls and begging, but then mom would toss them to dad and the game would continue.  The yard rang with cheers, yells, and laughter, with daddy laughing and mom cheering the little girls on as they ran happily around the "bases".  

The game ended, with the full moon beginning to show in the early evening sky, when the dog grew tired of running after the ball and decided to keep it.  In high spirits the girls gathered up their toys and went to the house to begin preparations for bath time.  Mom and dad smiled at each other and wondered why they didn't stop more often to just enjoy the life they worked so hard to build for their family.

Mom and dad walked hand and hand to the house feeling satisfied with their time with their children.  Sometimes, we have to remember that children need nurturing as much as the flowers in their beds and the calves in the barn.

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