Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Men's Group

Hubby loves people!  Especially if they come in clumps, groups or crowds.  I blame this on high school athletics that teach young men that it is all about the "team".  After four years of Hubby playing baseball, football and basketball (The transition from football to basketball was a little tricky,  resulting in a few fouls for some pretty physical "blocks" before he acclimated!)  the idea of being part of a group activity was embedded.  Other men tend to have been raised with the same ethics, so we have some pretty healthy "groups" in our town. 

Right now the place to be is at Hardee's from 6:30 to 10:00 on about any morning.  The working men arrive early and grab breakfast and the latest news (gossip).  Before the last of these leave the retirees are starting to arrive to add their two cents worth.  At about 9 am those working in town come for their morning coffee break.  The talk and laughter rolls on and on.  Like Henry says in the show Longmire about his bar, "it is the home of the continual soiree".   

This "men's club" will hold forth on any subject with the steadfast authority of experience and/or just plain pig headedness.  No subject is safe.  Hubby has come home with absolute opinions on everything from politics (I won't even begin with what they proclaim) to growing prize winning vegetables.  In between they cover moon signs, current events (who is chasing who and who got caught), overnight police activity (the ex-police chief is a member), grandkids who are obviously the first of a new super race, break-throughs in medicine (Did you know that eating lots of garlic will prevent the flu?  Probably because no one will get close enough to you to give you a germ!), and probably a few more topics that hubby is smart enough not to pass on to me.

It has gotten so bad that it has moved into the arena of family history.  Whenever someone comes up with a really off-the-wall statement we all look at each other and shout, "coffee group!!!!"

Hubby just grins and keeps on arranging his schedule around 9 am coffee. 

The other morning I had an early appointment.  Hubby announced at bed time that he would get up and go to breakfast in the morning to give me some extra time, since I wouldn't have to cook breakfast.  I demurred, "It's ok.  My appointment isn't until 9:00, I'll have plenty of time to get ready.  You don't have to get up so early."  Knowing that there aren't many things this man hates more than getting up in the morning, I didn't think it really made sense.  "No, no, I don't mind" he returned.  This went back and forth until he confessed, "I couldn't make it to  coffee today and I really want to go to breakfast and see what I missed!"

After he went peacefully to sleep, dreaming, no doubt, about his morning meeting with the coffee group, I decided maybe I had better show up at a few coffee breaks and hone up on my conversational skills.  It's been a long time since Hubby has been that enthusiastic about breakfast with me!

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