Monday, August 2, 2010

Class Reunion

Last week-end we attended my hubby's 45th class reunion. Actually it was their first class reunion but celebrating 45 years after graduation. We both attended the same small high school, so I knew his classmates pretty well. His class had about 40 members. Four have passed away, so that brought the number down to 36. Of those, about 21 showed up for the reunion. Which isn't bad. The worst part is that four or five that didn't show up still live in the same little community. We would have enjoyed seeing them, too.

Bob was the class vice-president, voted most likely to succeed, selected as Mr. Senior by the faculty and was generally a nice guy. Of course, if you don't have many in your class you have a better chance of getting selected for things. His best friend and the guy we double dated with in school, was the president. It fell to him to get the ball rolling to organize the reunion and host the meal. It's funny how often you get it right. He was definitely the guy for the job, but how did they know that when he was 18? Bob was picked most likely to succeed and he has. He probably wasn't the most successful in their class but he has had the drive and ability to run his own business and done very well. Did that drive, aggressiveness, dependability, astuteness show up when he was in high school? We didn't always know. Some have accomplished more than we ever thought possible, some never reached the potential you knew they had. Some were very content and satisfied, some seemed to feel they had missed their opportunities. Some were divorced, some never married and some (like us) have been happily married for over 40 years.

The fun was in getting to know everyone again and discovering that the person you knew is still there, even though the packaging has changed. It wasn't long until the class clown was taking jibes at one of the girls. Immediately, you flashed back to classes when those two had gone at it just the same way. Stories were told and memories flowed. All in all it was a good evening.

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