Wednesday, April 27, 2011


I used to love to fly.  That was before it got to be such a hassle and when you were treated like the paying guests that you were.  Ah, the good old days of a few years ago.  When my son was living in Kansas and Oklahoma I would love to hop on a plane and go for a long week-end visit.  I have always told my children that as long as there was an airstrip close, they could never get away from me.  My son almost figured out a way to keep my visits down when he lived in Dodge City, Kansas.  The closest airport was in Wichita which was about 2 1/2 hours.  To drive took 15 hours so the 2 1/2 hour drive started to look pretty good.

I've always enjoyed the experience of flying and the adventure of airports.  I don't mind layovers because I get to explore the shops and stores that are now part of all airports.  I love the fellow passengers and the camaraderie that binds everyone together as they wait for their flights.  To me flying is a fun time, so consequently I would use any excuse to visit the kids.

I haven't mentioned food at the airports because most of the time the food isn't a big plus.  However, I did make one discovery that caused me to rearrange my future flights based on a  lunch layover.  I was going through Memphis on my way to visit my son.  We had landed at one terminal and had to leave from another, so I was walking through the airport.  I noticed a pilot hurrying just ahead of me.  I thought he was probably in a hurry for his next flight.  He was going my way so I followed along behind him.  Then I noticed another pilot and a stewardess hurrying in the same direction.  I hoped that their hurry didn't indicate that someone was waiting without a crew to take off.  It wasn't long before I saw another crew member hurrying along.  Now my curiosity was up.  We arrived at the food court and they all peeled off to jog into the food area.  I wondered what had lured them at such a fast pace.  Sure enough they all arrived at the same food counter and lined up with various other airport personnel.  Not being a slow learner, I lined up behind them.  Thus, I was treated to some of the best Memphis barbecue I have ever eaten. 

It seemed one of the local barbecue restaurants had opened a food counter and the word had spread fast.  I got a fat, thick smoked brisket sandwich that had my mouth watering before I could unwrap it.  I didn't have a lot of time, so I grabbed my sandwich bag and went to my gate.  I was just in time and soon was boarded on the plane.  After taxing off, I put my tray down and unwrapped my big, delicious smelling sandwich.  My seatmate was a young professional who was taking a serious interest in my lunch.  As I started to take my first bite I glanced up to see him watching with the same look as a little boy at the candy store window.  "That really looks good " he said.  "Well, uh, I really haven't tried it yet but it does look good.", I replied.  His eyes remained glued to the sandwich.

I couldn't do it.  I picked up half of the sandwich and pushed the other half in his direction.  "Would you like to share?"  He made all the polite noises but in the end we shared a wonderful meal and an interesting visit over the best Memphis barbecue you will ever eat. 

If you are flying through Memphis, try to make it at meal time.

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