Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Garden Time

We're back home and in the swing of things again.  We had a wonderful week hopping from island to island in the southern Caribbean.  The amazing thing is that the rainy weather followed us.  We were on the island of Barbados in a downpour when our tour guide says "We are a very arid island.  We usually have about five rainy days a year.  This week it has already rained four days."  I understood.  She had a whole tour of southerners.  Obviously the rain had followed us!

Since we have been home the weather has been hot and dry, which is good.  A little unusual for this time of year, since it hit 90 degrees today.  Naturally, that's the day that hubby decided to plant the garden.  I talked to my daughter a bit before I went out to help plant.  She immediately responded with "Man!  I hate to miss the show.  It's the funniest day of the year!"  Why do our children think our direst moments are funny?  Planting the garden is a traumatic time. 

See the game is--hubby always wants to plant too close together.  I want to plant too far apart.  He usually wins and the rows are just close enough that when the plants start to mature he can't get the tiller trough the rows and I have to do the weeding by hand.  Which makes me one very unhappy camper. (I can't help but wonder if that is the plan all along.) The day progresses with me yapping for moving the string marking the rows farther apart and him pounding the stakes closer together.  The kids think it is hysterical!

My son and his three sons showed up this afternoon to help.  A 3 year old and a 5 year old helping to plant was a lot of help.  At one point we gave up trying to explain that the corn needed to be so far apart and just told them to plant it anywhere.  We may have corn coming up all over.  I know for a fact that the 13 year old stood on every hill of cucumbers and squash until they were packed and flat.  However, the fun of planting and watering with laughter and giggles makes the adventure of finding out where stuff is planted, worth it.

At the end of the afternoon the kids were playing kick ball in the yard and hubby and I were collapsed on the porch.  I think we may be getting too old for this.

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