Monday, March 7, 2011

I'm Back

My hubby and I recentely attended a banquet and annual meeting of the Angus Association. Since the kids had grown up and we were no longer showing cattle, we had not attended in several years. It was wonderful to see so many old friends, some grown older, some just grown up. As we made our way to our table we were greeted by a friend who had been one of the first to welcome us to showing cattle and help us learn the ropes. At the time, he had been a young man and now he was at the banquet with his own grown sons. Lately, our only contact has been through greetings on Facebook.

To my surprise, his greeting was, "You've quit posting on your blog!" I muttered something to the effect that we'd been busy, etc. "Well, don't give up," he returned, "I've enjoyed reading your history stories. However, if you want to include some more recent ones you can tell about getting a ticket in Perryville." (Sorry, Sammy. Maybe at a future date!)

I think I must have looked stunned. In fact I was busy processing the idea that someone is reading my blogs and actually enjoying them. All along I had thought of them as an exercise only for my benefit. I knew that I wanted the stories of our families to be passed on and remembered. I guess if I thought of it at all, it was that maybe my kids would someday read them. I enjoy writing and sharing my thoughts but I just hadn't given my readership much thought.

I am humbled. I will continue and hopefully provide some entertainment to someone. Maybe a story will trigger a memory that will mean retelling an old family story to your children. Maybe it will touch your heart. Who knows, maybe you will even laugh. If you do, please let me know.

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