Monday, March 28, 2011

Road Trip

I am sitting in a motel room at 6:30 in the morning catching up with my friends.  That in itself constitutes an adventure for me.  Most of my days are geared to doing what others need me to do.  It's not often that I am able to do anything without checking first to see what someone else needs me to do.  Even going to the gym is likely to be hemmed in by picking up medicine at the vet's, dropping off a part, or various other "honey-do's".  I don't mind, my days are full and like most people I enjoy feeling as though I am needed.

However, today I get to make all the plans.  You see I am on a trip to see my daughter in Iowa.  It's a 10-11 hour drive, so I usually take two leisurely days.  Sometimes I leave early enough to arrive at a stopping place with a little time to explore the area, shop a little or just relax.  I've made the trip enough that I know where I want to stop and what I want to do.  One town has a lovely, restored shopping district downtown.  There are several cute, boutique type shops that I love wandering through.  Hubby, of course, would rather have a root canal, so we don't usually spend much time there when we travel together.  Another place has a nice mall located nearby that gives me a secure place to stretch my legs and walk, and of course, browse a few stores.  Another stopping place has a lovely park on a beautiful small lake. 

When we travel together hubby does all the driving.  (He trusts me completely to make the drive by myself but never lets me drive if he's along!  I think it's a guy thing.)  His idea is to drive as hard as you can as far as you can ,then stop for the night only if you can't make it in one day.  Usually he will try to work most of the day we leave, then drive until late and get there by noon the next day.  Coming home he will drive the 11 hours straight through, which is a long, hard day.

The exciting thing about going by yourself is that you get to make the decisions.  I love listening to books as I drive--hubby listens to music.  I like to stop every so often and just walk around--hubby likes to drive until he has to stop.  It's particularly nice to know that you can get to the room at night and watch whatever you want on tv or just read a book.   I can get up when I want to (even at 6:00 to write) and not have to share the bathroom. 

Now don't get me wrong, I sure don't want to do this often.  I hated leaving hubby even for the short time until he joins me at our daughters.  I guess, like most people, I think I am indispensable and worry that he won't be able to get along without me.  The truth is, it's good for even happily married couples to have a little time apart.  To enjoy being able to do their own things and to have time to appreciate how much you depend on the other part of the duo.  It makes you realize that all the petty little things aren't the glue that holds you together.  It's the times you enjoy together, the satisfaction of working together for a common goal, the confidences shared, the problems solved, the laughter and tears. 

Yep.  I'll miss him.  (But I still love every minute of the trip and the one-on-one time with my daughter!)

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