Saturday, June 18, 2011


My son and his wife are awaiting the emminant arrival of their daugther so conversations in our house tend to center around pregnancy and childbirth. I, frankly, just can't believe  how much things have changed since I had my children.  The technology is amazing.  Just the other day they had a 3-d ultrasound of the baby and can now tell that she looks just like her middle brother.  Wow!  That's a long way from the dark ages when we delivered and didn't know until we met our babies if they were boys or girls.

Back then, pregnant was just pregnant, which left room for lots of surprises.  We lived, at that time, in town in a great neighborhood with lots of young couples.  One of the couples, that are friends to this day, lived just behind us.  She was a great source of information and support in those early days of parenthood since they had three boys, the youngest being about six.  So, it was with excitement and a little embarrasment that they announced that they were having a surprise visit from the stork.  When they had finally gotten used to the idea that their family would be expanding they began to look forward to the new addition,. 

My friend started thinking about redecorating a room for the baby and began acquiring baby supplies.  Of course, she had long since given all her things to her friends and they were now worn out.  Given the time period, that meant that you did everything in yellow and green because you couldn't use ayything that would scream boy or girl until you knew for sure (like during delivery!)  Our little bridge group had a little shower to help her out and we all donated back what larger items we weren't using.  Not too long after that I discovered I would be sharing the delights of preganacy with her.  She was due in November and I was due in February.We confided that we both hoped for little girls to add to our boys (her three and my one).  It was such fun dreaming about our children and how they would be in the same grade and probably close  friends. 

As time went on we both increased in size as pregnant women do.  I always gained considerable during pregnancy, from my head to my toes.  I became a regular Pillsbury doughboy.  She on the other hand gained only in her tummy, but she certainly did gain there.  I don't think I really realized how much until one night when I watched her balance a cup and saucer on top of her belly while she visited.  She just laughed and said that all her boys were big babies. 

One Sunday morning, late in October, word started passing around the church that she had gone to the hospital to deliver.  We were all excited and eager to know the sex of the new baby.  It wasn't long until the word reached us (small towns can beat cell phones for speed) that she had delivered twins.  Everyone was totally surprised, even the doctor.  Not only had she had twins but it was two boys!  Immediatly the women of the church went into full grieving mode.  "Poor dear.  What will she do with two more boys in that house?  Oh, she so wanted a little girl!  Poor thing!"  The church echoed with our lamentations.

Then one of the husbands gathered us up and read us the riot act!  Not only had she just had twins, a wonderful and exciting event, but they were perfect, healthy children.  He was right and we were ashamed of our outburst.  The parents of the little boys were delighted with their sons and didn't know of our comments for years. 

Oh, and our children did grow up together, went to school together and my daughter counts them as her best friends,  so that much was right.

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