Tuesday, June 14, 2011


I have been accused of favoring the granddaughters over the grandsons since I tend to write more about the girls.  The truth of the matter is that boys tend to do all kinds of funny and entertaining things, but most of them wind up unprintable.  However, I do have one funny story that all mothers will be able to appreciate.

My son has three sons...does that sound like an old tv movie?  (It's about to change since they are expecting a little girl to join them any minute).  The younger two sons are three and five years old.  They love to come to the farm, but I suspect that is to see how many ways they can cause me to have a heart attack.  However, that is another story for another time.  The two little boys are on the same t-ball team.  Now if you haven't had the chance to see a t-ball game you have missed a real treat.  Picture a field full of 3-5 year old boys (and/or girls) all playing baseball--no wait that's the wrong picture.  Picture a field full of little boys all playing...that's it.  They are drawing in the dirt, watching butterflies, talking to each other, calling to their mommies, wandering around and occasionally seeing a ball.  Since they are so little most of the batting takes place with the ball on a stand or "t", thus the name. 

The game had been going on for a while and the youngest little boy was on second base.  He had kicked the dirt, watched the birds, talked continuously (he never stops), and just had a good time.  T-ball doesn't move fast, so he had been out there a while when he decided he had an urge.   Now he knew that when he was on the farm and had an urge, then his daddy would tell him to just "pee in the grass".  He looked around, he was in a big field....and he really had to go.  So he did what his daddy always said...he dropped his pants to his ankles and "peed in the grass".  The stands exploded into laughter.  The coach, who was pitching, caught the action and got so tickled that the game slowed to a stop until the little boy had his pants up.  My son just buried his face in his hands as his friends congratulated him on having a boy "just like him".

Yep, boy stories are just a little different.

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