Saturday, June 4, 2011

Mystery in the Neighborhood

My son has solved a mystery.

It all started when the oldest grandson suffered a broken arm in a skateboarding accident.  This happened just at the end of May in the middle of our rainy spell.  He earns money during the summer mowing yards in the neighborhood now, with only one "wing", he was unable to mow for several weeks.  To help out the neighbors and his son, Mike and his buddy started mowing the yards.  First Mike revved up the mower and started on the yard across the street.  Everything went along fine for a while, then the mower started missing and sputtering.  Soon he was dead in the tall grass.  He tinkered with it all afternoon and could find nothing that seemed to be wrong.  So he loaded up the mower and took it to the local handyman to check it out.

His neighbor, Brian, being a good kind of guy, decided he would help out and finish the yards.  He revved up his mower and started to mow.  It wasn't long before his mower was chugging and coughing and soon it was sitting under a tree while the two men scratched their heads in puzzlement.   Nothing they did improved the situation, so they loaded up the mower and took it to the handyman.  The handyman is now loving this.  He wanted to know if Brian had loaned his mower to Mike, because he had already torn  up one and brought it in!  The men laughed but they were both wondering just exactly what was going on.  Did they have a vandal in the neighborhood?

The handyman called in a few days to report that they could pick up their mowers.  Both mowers had obviously had something added to the fuel and it had clogged up the carburetors.  Now they really were concerned about someone tampering with their equipment.  The conversation wandered through possibilities while they sat on Mike's deck.  Suddenly the five year old grandson wants to know what the problem is.  They explained that someone had added something to the lawn mowers and now they wouldn't work.

It took several days and lots of questions but the answer finally arrived.  It seems that the two little boys had decided to help daddy and Brian out with their equipment.  The five year old, in the spirit of helpfulness, topped off the gas tank with some oil.  Not to be outdone, the three year old topped off the other gas tank by peeing in it!

The handyman is still laughing. 

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