Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Welcome Granddaughter

We welcomed our third granddaughter, Hadleigh Kathryn, yesterday at 8:45 pm.  Her arrival has been awaited with excitement, especially since she has three older brothers.  Her mother and father kept us, and the world, updated with postings to facebook.  It was interesting to see the comments from friends and the parents-to-be responses.  This is certainly a different approach to labor and delivery than we had in the old days.

When my son was born we didn't even tell anyone we were going to the hospital.  I thought I just wanted peace and quiet and a well trained medical staff.  What I discovered is that labor is unbelievably boring.  You aren't comfortable enough to lose yourself in a good book and you can't sleep.  So you just lay there and wait for the next contraction and try to keep from throwing something at your husband.   My husband couldn't really figure out why his presence was required (frankly, neither could I) so he entertained himself by commandeering the television and watching a ballgame.  Just what I needed to take my mind off my problems.  The staff would come in periodically to break the monotony, but offered little in the way of entertainment.  To questions of "is it time yet" would be laughter.  I took that to mean that I was very funny. 

When our son finally arrived and I was freshened up and back in bed, I eagerly awaited the visit of the new father.  I wondered what he would have to say to me since I had just presented him with his firstborn son.  I was feeling rather proud of myself and couldn't wait to bask in the glow of his appreciation and love.  He walked into the room and came to the bedside.  He looked deeply into my eyes and said, "Do I put my socks in with the white clothes or my shirts?'  All he was concerned about was having to do his own laundry until I got home!!  Maybe that was appreciation of a sort after all.

Today's parents work it all out a little differently with all the technology and birthing suites where the fathers stay and bond with the new baby.  However, one thing is the same.  There is no feeling on earth like holding your child for the first time and getting to meet her (or him) face to face.  It is amazing how the love just wells up in you and overflows. 

Welcome, little Hadleigh, you have joined a family full of love for you.

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