Monday, June 6, 2011

The Grandmother Brigade

Never under estimate  the power of grandparents.

The oldest grandson is now out of school for the summer break and showed up at my house today to spend the day.  Fortunately, a little rearranging and I had the day free to enjoy his company.  (For some reason they all think that I do nothing but sit around all day.  Just shows I have everything under control and just look like I'm never busy!!)  Anyway, it soon became apparent that he wasn't too interested in just hanging out with me.  With a hopeful look, he asked if he could have his friend out to spend the day.  He wanted to show off his farm to the boy who lived across the street from him in town.  I know from experience that two boys are a lot easier to entertain than one, so I readily agreed.

Now in today's age, nothing is ever that simple.  First of all the he lived with his mother and second husband, but she was out of town, so my grandson thought he might be staying with another relative.  He tried looking up his father's name, but couldn't find it listed.  Since the Internet didn't even have a number, we assumed he was probably using a cell phone.  His step-dad was at work, and unreachable.  Deep gloom was beginning to settle over the house.

I decided it was time to call on the Grandmother Brigade.  I knew the step-dad's mother so I gave her a call.  She thought that her step-grandson might be staying with one of his other grandparents.  She found the numbers for his paternal grandmother, both home and work.  So I called the other grandmother.  She returned my call and filled in the information that he was staying with his father and he did indeed use a cell phone.  I called his dad's number only to be sent to voice mail, with a promise that he would "call back later".  After leaving a message outlining the plan to get the two boys together, there was nothing left to do but wait for the promised call back.

I had begun to think that it had all been for nothing, when the phone rang.  Success!  The friend had been found.  A quick trip to pick him up and I had two contented boys spending a day on the farm.

Chalk up another one to the Grandmother Brigade.

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