Monday, June 13, 2011

The Fishing Hole

My daughter and son-in-law decided it was time to take some time off and just have fun with their girls on Sunday.  They had been working hard getting the crops out and remodeling their house (the never-ending project) so a day of relaxation was in order.  In a short time an expedition to the pond on one of the farms was organized.  They loaded the truck with chairs, cool whip containers (for the worms), a bucket, (for the fish), two girls, one five years old and one three, a Barbie fishing pole and a Princess fishing pole, one dog, and two adults and took off for a fun afternoon.

Now, the five year old is an old hand at fishing.  She got her first Princess pole two years ago and unlike most little ones, set about learning how to use it.  She practiced and practiced until she could cast like a pro.  Surprisingly, baiting the hook with worms doesn't cause her a tremor.  She thinks worms are cute but fish are slimy..go figure.  So, she baited up her hook and gave it a mighty cast.  Plop! into the pond it sunk.  In just minutes she had hooked a little brim.  She reeled him in like the little pro she is and handed it to her mommy to take it off the hook.

Soon both girls were fishing away.  The time passed and mommy commented that it didn't look like the fish were biting anymore.  The older girl looked at her witheringly, and remarked, "Mommy, you have to be patient to fish!"  Soon the three year old tired of being "patient" and joined the dog in chasing the frogs around the pond.  The only question was if the dog and the girl would go into the pond with the frogs. 

The afternoon settled into barking dogs, squealing girls and laughing adults.  Soon the little one had tangled up her line on her pole and brought it to mommy to fix.  Mommy straightened it out and gave it a trial cast.  Not being as accomplished as her daughter, she landed her cast near the bank of the pond.  She started reeling it back in and soon felt a jolt on her line.  She reeled some more and the line kept trying to get to the bank.  Then it tried to jump on the bank.  Somehow she had managed to hook one of the frogs.  This quickly became a daddy job.  Daddy grabbed the line and pulled the frog to the bank and caught him.  The frog promptly jumped back in the water.  Now the dog decided she would help and jumped in after the frog.  Daddy drug the frog and the dog out of the water and tried to grab the frog again.  Now both girls and the dog are jumping up and down trying to help.  Eventually daddy has the frog corralled, the dog has been called off and the girls are watching in fascination as he works the hook out of the frog's skin.  With a quick caress from both girls for the "poor little froggy" he is returned to his pond.

With the sun going down and feeding to be done, they load up the truck and head back home.  Who says you have to have an amusement park to create wonderful summer memories.  Eat your heart out Disneyworld.

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